Busting Five Myths About Outsourcing Manufacturing

New-age manufacturing is complex, where pressing consumer demands, tight deadlines, and competition contribute to its intricacies. Outsourcing in manufacturing is a proven way to deal with these challenges, cut costs, reduce in-house efforts, broaden expertise and ensure quicker delivery.

But despite that, many manufacturers refrain from outsourcing. One of the most significant reasons for it is its various myths. If you have believed in some, here’s an article that busts five of them.

  1. Lost Control Over the Project

This is one of the most significant fears. Manufacturers think they would have little or no say in the product manufactured once they outsource the project. Thus, they may fail in delivering their client commitments.

But that’s not true!

Outsourcing companies are also responsible manufacturers with a reputation for keeping and resonating with their client’s commitments.

Outsourcing is a planned project wherein sourcing partners like K5 Consulting conduct extensive ground research, shortlist vendors, and suggest only the most reliable ones with the necessary expertise, experience, equipment, and empathy.

Thus, it isn’t true that manufacturers lose control once they outsource a project fully or a part of it. It depends on your project’s contract terms and planning.

  1. Communication will Become a Roadblock

Another fear concerning manufacturing outsourcing is communication challenges. Communication might become a problem only when you make the wrong or unreliable choices. But when you have a sourcing partner by your side, you can put forth your expectations, set SLAs, and ensure seamless communication through your partners. In other words, you don’t have to micro-manage the project with the ground team or communicate with them regularly.

  1. Reliability Could Become a Problem

Again, it is about choices. Reliability and credibility could become severe concerns if you make incorrect ones or select an outsourcing vendor without thorough assessments. Here, having sourcing partners helps.

It saves your efforts to step out and search for manufacturing outsourcing partners. You’d have detailed profiles and reports on your table to review.

Sourcing partners can make recommendations based on their knowledge of the vendor market. So, you only choose vendors capable of delivering your orders on time, with the quantity and quality levels you expect.

  1. Projects Will be Delayed

Delays in manufacturing are common, especially when manufacturers try to do everything in-house. Let alone the money and time they spend in building the required infrastructure. Many manufacturers live with these challenges and are ready to take a hit on their bottom lines. It is only because they fear outsourcing the project may cause further delays.

But the whole purpose of outsourcing manufacturing is to save time, costs, and the efforts required in building temporary project-related setups.

Working with reliable sourcing partners like K5 Consulting can help you choose companies known for timely deliveries.

Of course, in some cases, delays could be unavoidable. But with recommendations, a phased approach, and continuous monitoring through trustworthy sourcing partners, you can expect timely completion in most cases.

  1. Logistics will Become Even More Complex.

International logistics is a broad realm where you have to deal with several complexities, from choosing shipping partners to handling customs. If you deal with a manufacturing outsourcing company alone, handling logistics while managing on-ground responsibilities could become challenging.

Many manufacturers are scared of the logistical aspect because it is here that most delays take place. We wouldn’t say they are paranoid about it. They must have experienced such delays and incurred losses worth millions.

But one solution is to have a sourcing partner coordinating and managing the logistics with the vendor’s shipping service provider. It can help keep technical and administrative hassles at bay while ensuring timely dispatch from the vendor’s end and safe unloading at the port of arrival.


Now that we’ve cleared the air, we hope you don’t have misconceptions about manufacturing outsourcing. If you still do, connect with us, and let’s discuss. We will help you seamlessly navigate the manufacturing outsourcing process and explain how we can assist you end-to-end. Click here to connect with us.

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